Joke Of The Day: 12 Jan 2008

Jan 12, 2008  at 12:05 PM

An old man used to sit every day in the beach from morning to evening watching the people in the beach. Another man who noticed this, went to him and asked what he was actually doing. The old man replied that he was searching for a woman to be his wife. The man was shocked at this reply and asked him why he had never searched in his youth. The old man replied that he has been searching from when he was 30 years of age. The man was astonished and asked him what sort of a woman he was searching for and he replied, “I am searching for a perfect woman. I found one woman who matched what I had in mind but it didn’t work out well with her.” The man asked why, for which the old man replied, “Well, she was searching for a perfect man!”

We all collect images from media and watch 'reality' continuously hoping to find a match with these images some time. It would be a good idea to drop these images and welcome reality instead!

Seek at Leisure