Three men came together to start a business. They decided to include God as a partner. They fixed a small percentage of the expected profit as God’s share. The business grew and yielded unexpectedly high profit. God’s share suddenly seemed too high to be given away. One of them suggested that they would place a small vessel and throw up all the money. Whatever fell inside the vessel would be God’s and the rest would be theirs. The second man suggested that they place a big vessel and throw up all the coins and whatever fell inside would be theirs and the rest God’s. The third one finally said, “No, lets do it this way. Anyway God is sitting above us. We will throw up all the money. Whatever he wishes to take let him take; whatever falls down is ours!”
Our attitude towards God or the Cosmos needs to be one of gratitude and nothing else and most definitely not a business deal!
Joke Of The Day: 11 Jan 2008
Jan 11, 2008 at 12:59 PM
Joke Of The Day