Ask The Master: 31 Jan 2008

Jan 31, 2008  at 2:51 PM

Can everybody learn meditation?

You don't have to learn meditation. You are already a meditator!

Just recall any moment in your life when you have experienced extreme beauty. The sun rising suddenly from behind a mountain, or the first time you hear a lovely piece of music.

At such a moment, suddenly, you become totally still, wordless.

Haven't we all experienced such moments?

At such a moment, in the presence of that beauty, you can't think any more. You are just silent, aware of that beauty that's all.

That moment is meditation.

After a few moments, your inner chatter starts again. Your mind says, That's a beautiful sunrise. Your mind starts comparing the music to other music that you have heard. That means, you have fallen out of meditation.

Meditation is nothing but remaining in that silent, blissful state. You cannot learn this state. You can only experience it.

Be clear: Meditation is not something you do.

You cannot 'do' meditation.

Meditation is the state that flowers when you drop all doing, all action.

Not just physical action. Even thinking is an action. Even contemplation is an action!

Meditation is what remains when you have stripped away all doing, all thinking, all working, all feeling.

Meditation is just being.

Meditation is experiencing the present moment without resistance.

In the same way, Ananda is not the result you achieve through hard work. You cannot attain Ananda! You can only relax into Ananda.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: "Meditation is for You" -- an introduction to the science and art of meditation

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