Hero or Zero, choice is ours!
If we think ourselves as heroes, we are heroes. If we take ourselves for mediocre persons, we are mediocre. If we condemn ourselves for being a failure, we are failures.
Hero or Zero, the choice is ours.
Thinking of ourselves as heroes, taking responsibility for our own selves, is what we call as liberation. Whatever level we take responsibility at; we are liberated to such extent. Taking responsibility cuts the mental path of going continuously towards suffering.
In whatever position we may be, strongly be conscious of the fact that only we are responsible for our position.
People often complain of lack of time to meditate. It is not lack of time. It is lack of responsibility. If we strongly feel that we are responsible for our present position and consciously be aware that meditation will change our life for the better, then we will find sufficient time to meditate.
You may ask: How can I be responsible for accidents in my life?
Be sure, every effect has a cause. If we are unable to have a logical cause, we name it as an accident. At some point in time we may have attracted these accidents with our unconscious thoughts of fear for accidents or with some other negative thoughts. As hard as it is to believe it is the truth. What you sow, you reap. So be sure, only we are responsible for the accidents occurring to us.
By feeling responsible, we will start enjoying the happening. Without waiting for the result, the happening itself will be enjoyable. We will start bubbling with joy. We will start radiating bliss.
Once we feel responsible, we will stop thinking about the external factors as being responsible for our suffering. We will slowly move towards realizing that only our own actions are responsible for our suffering. We will start yearning for a way to come out of it. This way we are liberated; liberated from the vicious cycle of mithya, unreality, untruth and illusion.
Then the cognitive shift happens, and we turn towards nithya, understanding of Truth, reality.
Just for the next 24 hours let us feel responsible for each and everything. Let this be our meditation. Let us feel responsible for our existence, for the boons we enjoy and for the accidents that happen to us. Let this ‘responsibility feeling’ solidify in us. May the cognitive shift happen in us and may we be liberated.
This article was earlier published in the Economic Times, an Indian newspaper.
Words From The Master: 29 Dec 2007
Dec 29, 2007 at 11:56 AM
Words From The Master