Life Bliss Galleria: 21 Dec 2007

Dec 21, 2007  at 9:50 AM

NEW CD RELEASE: "Meditation IS For You (Part 2): Introduction"

Available at Life Bliss Galleria.

Price: $15 "Blissmas" sale! $10

1. IntroductionIntroduction
2. Atma Spurana
(Flowering of the Soul)
Be aware of your self. Experience the deep silence that results. And expand it to be come all the time meditation. Just be.
3. Hridaya Kamala
(Lotus of the Heart)
Sense and do everything through your heart. You will see the heart center blossoming and experience boundless love.
4. Stop that actionShift your focus from doing and having to Being and Transform. We are continually doing something to end up having some possessions. If we could stop suddenly and introspect, we could fall into being the essence.
5. Stop that impulseThe unconscious impulse drives you into reaction. As you are about to act, just stop. Once you are thrown in to the silent center, never lose your self in activity again.
6. Kama Harana
(Just drop it)
When driven by desire, don’t suppress, just witness. Then clearly consider the action and experience and then just drop.
7. Sukshma Sharera Dhyana
(Strengthen Your Aura)
Beware of your physical form and reclaim strength your Etheric body, the Aura. This will instill a deep silence and sense of peace in you.
8. Ananda Dhyana;
Hakuna Matata
(Be Happy)
Happiness is a matter of choice. You are the master of your destiny. And you can decide everyday when you wake up.
9. Pratyahara Dhyana
(Beyond Senses)
Be in the silent center and just be witness to the uproar of the senses and not be affected. Shut out the signals from senses. In that silence you will find your center. Look from this center and you will never again get lost in the uproar from outside and just be a witness to your senses.
10. Sphoorti Baana
(Ray of Inspiration)
When you run, you are integrated in body and mind. Run only as fast as you can with barefoot if possible. Then rest and enjoy. Run with no purpose. Simply run and be centered.

This CD is part of the 18-CD set: "Meditation Is For You" [LINK].

Life Bliss Galleria

Seek at Leisure