Ask The Master: 22 Dec 2007

Dec 22, 2007  at 8:06 AM

Q. Please explain more on emotional pains.

Research reveals that emotional imbalance can deeply disturb the physical body. For example, sexual repression can result in back pain, or the sense of shouldering too much responsibility can cause pain in the shoulder.

In a crowded bus, you may be packed in together with people of all kinds. Your being will not be touching them; your mind, your consciousness will not allow that. So your being will shrink deeper into yourself.

A small story:

In Calcutta there were two small ashrams whose presidents were not on good terms with each other.

One day a person of some authority arrived in one ashram and invited the president to join him in visiting the other ashram. The president was in distress. He could not refuse, but he didn’t want to go either.

Suddenly the president developed a high fever which prevented him from leaving the place!

I saw this with my own eyes. As soon as the other person left, the temperature came back to normal again.

Haven’t we all experienced ‘Monday morning blues’? Even children display bodily symptoms of illness when forced to do what they don’t want to do - like going to school! This kind of illness is caused simply by un-ease, caused due to the mind and the body pulling you in opposite directions. This is what manifests itself as dis-ease.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Uncommon Answers to Common Questions

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