Q. Dear master, you ask us not to suppress our natural passions. But is it right to indulge these passions?
This question points in the same direction as the earlier question on sansar vs. sannyas. On this path, you will time and again come across apparent dualities: good/bad, false/true, attachment/aversion, and suppression/indulgence. In fact, raging inside your being is this constant conflict of opposites. Whenever a duality asserts itself, remember this rule of thumb: Existence is non-dual. Opposites do not exist. To cling to either suppression or indulgence is a sign of ignorance. After all, suppression is nothing but a reaction to indulgence. What is essential is the awareness of one’s own tendencies.
Recognize anger, recognize jealousy, and recognize lust and greed. Neither give in to these emotions nor try to suppress them. Simply attempt to know them for what they are. Keep your distance, and view your emotions as if they were strangers. You will be surprised to find that without your support, they cannot exist; they simply drop away! This may not make much sense to you when it is just someone else’s experience - but through constant practice you will experience the truth for yourself.
It is only this awareness that can awaken self-knowledge, and free you of these concepts of indulgence/suppression, and of all dualities!
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Uncommon Answers to Common Questions
Ask The Master: 14 Dec 2007
Dec 14, 2007 at 9:03 AM
Ask The Master