Words From The Master: 14 Nov 2007

Nov 14, 2007  at 9:24 AM

On the occasion of Children's Day in India, here are few words from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's discourse during Gurukul Inauguration, 2 Oct 2006, Ashram, Bangalore. (Original Source.)

Children are born inherently blissful and close to Existence. As they grow, they are conditioned by society and they are exposed to the needs that arise in everyday living. They need money to live. To earn the money, they need education. As long as they understand these things as basic needs and not as the goal of life itself, things are alright. But in no time, these needs become the goal of life itself and in the process they lose the ability to live life.

When you take birth, you take birth with a reason. That first reason with which you take birth determines the course of your entire life. The position of the planets and the state of your mind at the time of taking birth determines your whole life. In the same way, every day too you take a new life. Every day, you go through life and death. And the first thought that comes to you when you wake up in the morning determines the course of your whole day.

Children who go to school, invariably wake up with fear every morning, from the Swadhistana chakra (the energy center in the navel area that is responsible for fear emotion). They wake up thinking of the teacher and the beating stick! Diseases like cancer have their roots in this type of disturbed consciousness at a young age. Most teachers lack basic intelligence. They themselves suffer from not knowing how to balance themselves emotionally. When children spend 8 hours a day with them, they too grow up without knowing how to balance themselves.

It is important that children learn to internalize and understand social needs without getting corrupted or internalizing society’s value system. They need to learn how to maintain social protocols without internalizing society’s so called value system. Once they obtain clarity in this, they will no more wake up from the swadhishtana chakra. They will wake up from the anahata chakra, the heart center for love emotion. When this happens, concentration and memory power will increase tremendously.

Children of Nithyananda Gurukul will flourish in the inner and outer worlds. I am from Arunachala, a spiritual nerve in South India. Arunachala is like a spiritual incubator for anybody who is receptive to it. I had a beautiful ambiance there. Between the age of 7 and 14, I was able to learn the inner Science along with the outer Science in a natural fashion in the ambiance offered by Arunachala. That was the reason for the intelligence I gained in both the inner and outer worlds. This is what I am trying to give to these kids through the Gurukul. I am creating an ambiance for the children, the same ambiance that I enjoyed for intelligence to flower.

I want the children to wake up like a flower, with deep love, and live with people who are meditators. All our teachers are meditators who know how to balance themselves. Here, they will not absorb the negativity of the outer world and will maintain the purity of the inner world radiating Nithyananda – Eternal bliss!

There have been many traditions of the past. Some have died without teaching anything effective. Some have sustained only causing misery for people. The ancient tradition of Gurukul learning has sustained over thousands of years, teaching life engineering to people.

A child, whichever hero he idolizes from young age, imbibes that hero’s mental set up and body language. The children at Nithyananda Gurukul are lucky to be with a Master. They will be continuously watching me. Their mental setup and body language will be influenced by a very intense spiritual atmosphere that is created here. This is like the center of a spiritual cyclone. These children will grow up learning and imbibing highest spiritual values.

I hereby declare Nithyananda Gurukul open! May the children be in and radiate Nithyananda – Eternal Bliss!

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