LIVE, Shiva Sutra Discourses (On the web). Subscribe to watch the complete Shiva Sutra discourses delivered by Paramahamsa Nithyananda in Nov-Dec, 2007 [calendar] at the new Vedic Temple Montclair, CA [temple homepage], LIVE ON THE WEB [video streaming site].
Shiva Sutra is the dialog between Shiva and His consort Devi, where Shiva reveals to Her, meditation techniques for attaining the state of enlightenment.
Subscription Page.
You are also welcome to attend these discourses at the new Vedic Temple Montclair, CA [map] free of cost. In doing so, you will have an opportunity to be blessed by Nithyananda personally, and also (subject to time availability) perform meditations (based on the discourse sutra) under his guidance.
Timings: Nov 10th to Dec 5th 2007 daily (7PM to 10PM on weekdays, & 11AM to 2PM on Saturdays and Sundays).
FLASH NEWS: 8 Nov 2007
Nov 8, 2007 at 8:34 AM
Flash News