Q. We hear stories of many miracles performed by various masters, like predicting the future. How does this happen?
Let me give you an example. Suppose you are standing at the side of a busy road. Look on either side of you. You can see the movement of traffic for say, 200 metres.
Now suppose you climb onto the terrace of a nearby house. You will be able to see the movement of traffic for a much further distance, will you not? In the same way, the ordinary mind can perceive the past and future only in a very limited way. The elevated consciousness (that comes after enlightenment) can see infinitely further into both past and future. It is a simple thing. The truth is always simple. The only thing is, the ordinary mind can’t comprehend these things, so it seems like a miracle. Jnaanis (masters) and jnaanshakti (the energy of enlightenment) don’t have any limitations of time and space. That is how so many of my patients get healed in countries which I have never or even visited. All over the world, people who have never seen me before, see visions of me in their meditation.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Uncommon Answers to Common Questions
Ask The Master: 7 Nov 2007
Nov 7, 2007 at 9:20 AM
Ask The Master