Ask The Master: 23 Nov 2007

Nov 23, 2007  at 10:34 AM

What actually happens after death? What is death? Why should we analyze death? (continuation from an earlier post)

There is a great fear of death, of the unknown, in most people. A beautiful story from the Katopanishad: There was a young 7-year old lad by the name of Nachiketa. He asked his father, who was a king, 'Why are people afraid to die?' The king was irritated at what seemed to be an obviously understood fact. So, he scolded Nachiketa, 'Why don't you go face death if you are not afraid?' Little Nachiketa was genuinely interested in finding out the answer and he set out to meet Yama (God of Death). On reaching Yama's abode, he found that Yama was not there. So, he decided to wait. After some time, when Yama returned, he was shocked to see a little boy waiting for him. All the time, Yama had to chase people, who in turn tried their best to escape the jaws of death. And here was this small boy who had come boldly to face death himself. Yama compassionately asked him, 'What have you come here for, little boy? You are one of the rare beings who has come to the door of death; normally people run away from me!' Nachiketa replied, 'Master, that is what I have come to find out about. What is death?' At this point, Yama gave him the Truth.

So, you see; actually, Death is the greatest teacher!

What happens when you die? (to be contd.)

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Beyond Life And Death

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