Words From The Master: 20 Oct 2007

Oct 20, 2007  at 8:17 AM

Discourse On Bhagavad Gita, 2nd Chapter: You are God! Sep 5, 2005, Monday at The Malibu Temple, Los Angeles, USA.

We are always talking. Even when we are not talking, we are preparing what to say next. We never listen. It takes true intelligence to really listen. Krishna just listens to Arjuna in the first chapter of the Gita.

He patiently allows him to speak, to perceive the depth of depression and confusion that he experiences. He analyzes where Arjuna’s thoughts are coming from. Arjuna speaks. He opens his mouth, but in effect, he actually opens his Being.

In this context, Krishna is a Zen master. He addresses the issue straightaway. He instructs Arjuna to fight. Essentially Arjuna is afraid. His whole problem is depression because of fear.

The first two slokas are enough. If Arjuna can execute this, he will attain Enlightenment. If he can realize with his whole Being that Krishna is God, if he can surrender through devotion, these two slokas are sufficient. Because he is not able to be in the mood of the stotra, Krishna has to bring in shastras for him. He has to give the experience to Arjuna because he is not mature enough.

Krishna states, 'You are God.' Arjuna is not ready to believe this until Krishna expresses his Divinity, proving that he is God. Arjuna says, 'My soul is surrendered unto you.' This is a lie. If this were true, he would execute what Krishna says in the first two slokas and not need the intellectual explanation. This surrender is purely verbal. Actually what it really means is that he is ready to listen and surrender to what he wishes to hear out of Krishna’s mouth. He is not ready for the Truth.

Krishna says that there was never a time you did not exist; you will be here forever. The past, present and future are just words; you will exist throughout. You will experience this only when you fall into the present moment; then you will know your source; you will experience your Being.

Krishna says that you are beyond time, but as of now you are caught in the mind. The mind is nothing but the oscillation of thoughts, of the continual movement back and forth between the past and the future. The higher the frequency of thoughts, the further away you are from the present moment.

The human mind can only receive a few concepts at any one time. Once we fully digest and understand one concept completely, it is enough. Otherwise we are merely collecting concepts. We are just gaining ‘head weight,’ just adding knowledge, not attaining understanding.

The Bhagavad Gita is the only book that teaches you how to live. It is the book of Quantum Spirituality. It teaches how to live fully in both the material and the spiritual. The Gita teaches that you can do both at the same time. You don't have to choose. You can just explore both. Actually it is only when we live intensely in both do we realize the Truth. All we need is a little openness and sensitivity and we will experience God in whatever form, wherever we are.

I am not here to prove that I am God. I am here to prove that you are God.

Seek at Leisure