Event Highlights: Pradosha Pooja, Los Angeles USA - 24 September 2007

Sep 28, 2007  at 1:29 PM

Pradosham was celebrated by Dhyanapeetam Temple in Los Angeles today. Devotees who attended Pradosha puja had more than one reason to celebrate! The Puja and Abhishekam rituals were conducted by Swamiji Himself!

Pradosha is one of the most important poojas performed for Lord Shiva. It was on this day that Lord Shiva recited Vignana Bairava tantra (also known as Shiva Sutras) to his consort, Devi. During this two hour period, Nandi, Lord Shiva's vehicle, guarded the door so no one would disturb them. Hence we worship Nandi on this day. It is said that its easier to please Nandi, who himself is a devotee ready to offer whatever he is asked for, on this day.

After Pradosha Pooja and Abhishekam, Vignana Bairava Tantra was chanted by everyone present, followed by Arati and Prasad.

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