One man and his friend were discussing the finer points of their respective backgrounds. No matter what points the man brought up, his friend would say that his background offered the same thing, only better. Finally the friend said, "Alright, tell me at least one thing that your background offers that my background has lesser of." the man said, "Modesty perhaps?"
Virtues when compared help us grow better. Anything else when compared is merely a waste of time in our own growth.
Joke Of The Day: 30 Sep 2007
Joke Of The Day
Joke Of The Day: 29 Sep 2007
At an old age home, the inmates were asked, "Why do you think God has allowed you to reach the age of ninety?" one man responded, "To test the tolerance of our relatives."
If we bring a little awareness into our lives, we will be able to see the different dimensions to a situation. This will help us to be balanced and not lop-sided in our conclusions.
Joke Of The Day
Joke Of The Day: 28 Sep 2007
A man was driving along a dark village road. He decided to follow the car in front of him to play it safe. Suddenly the lead car stopped and he crashed into it. "Why didn't you signal that you were going to stop?" he screamed out. "Inside my own garage?" yelled back the driver!
It helps to know that each one's path is different. To follow another on his path and to blame him at the end of it is mere folly!
Joke Of The Day
Upcoming Event: Meditation Workshop (LBP-II, also called NSP), Orlando, Florida USA - 13 & 14 Oct 2007
Date: 13 & 14 Oct 2007, Saturday & Sunday
Event: Meditation Workshop, LBP Level II (NSP)
Venue: International Vedic Hindu University Of America, 113 N. Econlockhatchee Trail, Orlando, Florida, 32825
Contact: Swami Medhananda Ph: 626-272-4043
Registration: Online - $300, Walk-in - $350. Click for: Special Instructions. Registration. Hotel & Accommodation Information.
More Details:
Know more about LBP Level 2 (Nithyananda Spurana Program) here.
Swamiji's video discourses on NSP, here.
Upcoming Event
Upcoming Event: Free Public Discourses on Shiva Sutras, Orlando, Florida USA - 12 Oct 2007
Date: 12 Oct 2007, Friday
Event: Free Public Discourses on Shiva Sutras, Titled: "Dis-identify from your emotion"
Venue: Cyprus Room, 4000 Central Florida Blvd, Building # 50 Orlando, FL. 32816
Contact: Ph: (407) 699-5277. (Swami Medhananda, Ph: 626-272-4043)
Registration: Free
More Details:
Dis-identify from your emotion
Emotions are a disturbance as long as you feel them as a disturbance. When you are in the peak of emotion, if you can just shift focus to your undisturbed core, the witnessing consciousness, you will understand that it is only your periphery that is participating in the agitation, and that your reality is an undisturbed center which is blissfully watching the turmoil in the periphery. All this needs is the will to dis-identify yourself from your emotions and watch your reaction to the whole scene. Then you will know.
Swamiji's past discourses on Shiva Sutras can be found here (videos).
Upcoming Event
Upcoming Event: Installation and Prana Pratishta, Orlando, Florida USA - 11 Oct 2007
Date: 11 Oct 2007, Wednesday
Event: Installation and Prana Pratishta (installing life energy into the deities)
Venue: International Vedic Hindu University Of America, 113 N. Econlockhatchee Trail, Orlando, Florida, 32825
Contact: Swami Medhananda Ph: 626-272-4043
Registration: Free
More Details:
Kumbabhishekam program scheduleMorning
- Homa
- Prana Pratishta
- Abhishekam
- Alankaram
- Arati
- Lunch
- Kalyanotsava
- Sri Vidya Puja
- Bliss Party
Upcoming Event
Upcoming Event: Free Public Discourses on Shiva Sutras, Orlando, Florida USA - 10 Oct 2007
Date: 10 Oct 2007, Wednesday
Event: Free Public Discourses on Shiva Sutras, Titled: "Know yourself through illusion"
Venue: Hindu Society Of Central Florida, 1994 Lake Drive, Casselberry, Florida-32707
Contact: Ph: (407) 699-5277. (Swami Medhananda, Ph: 626-272-4043)
Registration: Free
More Details:
Know Yourself Through Illusion
Illusion can be as powerful a tool as it can be conceiting. When you continuously watch through the eye of illusion, suddenly the watcher will start gaining more prominence than the objects of illusion. When the watcher becomes more prominent, the whole thing will take on a new perception for the watcher that is you. When this starts happening, you will fall into the middle path where neither pain nor sorrow will touch you differently from each other, and you will just remain a joyful witnessing consciousness.
Swamiji's past discourses on Shiva Sutras can be found here (videos).
Upcoming Event
Upcoming Event: Installation and Prana Pratishta, Columbus Ohio USA - 7 Oct 2007
Date: 7 Oct 2007, Sunday
Event: Installation and Prana Pratishta (installing life energy into the deities)
Venue: Dhyanapeetam Hindu Temple, 820 Pollock Rd, Delaware Ohio
Contact: Ph: 740-362-2046
Registration: Free
More Details:
Kumbabhishekam program scheduleMorning
- Homa
- Prana Pratishta
- Abhishekam
- Alankaram
- Arati
- Lunch
- Kalyanotsava
- Sri Vidya Puja
- Bliss Party
Upcoming Event
Upcoming Event: Sri Vidya Puja, Los Angeles USA - 29 September 2007
Date: 29 Sep 2007, Saturday
Event: Sri Vidya Puja, Conducted by Swamiji
Venue: LA Ashram, 928 Huntington Dr, Duarte, CA 91010
Contact: Ma Nithyananda Praba, Ph: 626-205-3286
Registration: Click Here
More Details About Sri Vidya Puja: Click Here
Upcoming Event
Event Highlights: Pradosha Pooja, Los Angeles USA - 24 September 2007
Pradosham was celebrated by Dhyanapeetam Temple in Los Angeles today. Devotees who attended Pradosha puja had more than one reason to celebrate! The Puja and Abhishekam rituals were conducted by Swamiji Himself!
Pradosha is one of the most important poojas performed for Lord Shiva. It was on this day that Lord Shiva recited Vignana Bairava tantra (also known as Shiva Sutras) to his consort, Devi. During this two hour period, Nandi, Lord Shiva's vehicle, guarded the door so no one would disturb them. Hence we worship Nandi on this day. It is said that its easier to please Nandi, who himself is a devotee ready to offer whatever he is asked for, on this day.
After Pradosha Pooja and Abhishekam, Vignana Bairava Tantra was chanted by everyone present, followed by Arati and Prasad.
For photos, click here.
Event Highlights