Words From The Master: Love in relationships

Feb 28, 2010  at 2:16 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 17:
Love in relationships

With real love, there will be no fear or insecurity either. In normal love, physical distance between two people causes a lot of insecurity and a lack of trust.

A small story:
A young soldier went to his senior officer and said, ‘Sir, my friend is not yet back from the battlefield. I request permission to go out and get him.’

The officer said, ‘Permission refused. Your friend is most probably dead. I don’t want you to risk your life going there.’

The young solider went all the same and came back mortally wounded and carrying the corpse of his friend.

The officer was furious. He shouted, ‘I told you he was dead. Now I have lost both of you. Tell me, was it worth going out there to bring a corpse?’

On the verge of dying, the soldier replied, ‘It was, Sir. When I got there he was still alive. He said to me, I was sure you would come.’
Real love doesn’t look for utility. It operates on sheer trust and is also beyond space and time.

Technique to dissolve pain

Feb 27, 2010  at 2:42 AM

What is pain?

Pain is nothing but unawareness. When ‘you’ are absent from a certain part of your body, your absence is experienced as pain, that’s all. Whenever you don’t pay attention to some part of your body, automatically your body demands your attention. The solution for pain is simply giving your presence, your attention to that part of the body.

Understand, attention is energy. When you turn your attention on the pain, you are sending healing energies to that spot. Even the pain you experience when you have an accident or hurt yourself is part of the healing process. When some part of your body is hurt, energy gushes from the nearest chakra (energy center) to the part that is hurt, and all other energy centers are disconnected.

Read more... (InnerAwakening.org)

Words From The Master: Love in relationships

  at 2:15 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 17:
Love in relationships

In real life, we always look to express our love towards others in some tangible way. Only if love is demonstrated in tangible form, it is considered to be love nowadays.

True love is like a communion. It is a resonance between two beings. It can be felt without any expression. It doesn’t need communication because it is already happening as a communion.

If you really love a person, then your very body language will show it. It will be too much to express in words. You will feel that words are inadequate and will only bring down the love that you feel. But if you are using words, then somewhere the love has not really happened. When you have to speak to express love, then somewhere there is a lie in it! You are using the words just to decorate the lie.

Real love liberates because it doesn’t compel you to express it all the time. It just is. Real love also gives you the freedom to freely express what you want to express. You can easily express anything like disapproval or anger and it will not be mistaken for reduced love.

Not only that, with real love, there will be no domination or power play in relationships. Each person will be like a beautiful flower that has blossomed to radiate its unique fragrance, that’s all.

Words From The Master: Love and liberate, don’t possess

Feb 26, 2010  at 2:13 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 16:
Love and liberate, don’t possess

People ask me, ‘Swamiji, how are you able to travel so often and not feel unsettled?’ This question comes mostly from people who travel for business. They say, ‘If we go to one or two places and come back, it takes one week to recover, settle down and get back into our routine and feel comfortable, to feel like ourselves again. How do you travel so continuously?’ The secret is the same thing I told you earlier. I don’t feel attached or connected to any one house, so I feel connected to the whole world! There is a deep feeling of being at home with the whole world. With this feeling, wherever you go, you will experience a deep, relaxed bliss and ecstasy because that bliss doesn’t come from the outer home but from the inner home.

Words From The Master: Love and liberate, don’t possess

Feb 25, 2010  at 2:12 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 16:
Love and liberate, don’t possess

When I travel around the world, people ask me, ‘Did you sleep well last night? It is a new place for you.’ I tell them, ‘Only when you have attachment to a particular house does another house become a new place for you and you struggle. When you don’t have attachment to any house, you feel at home wherever you go!’

I never feel any place is mine or not mine. I feel totally at home anywhere. The comfort is always within us, never outside us. When there is no comfort within us, we look for comfort outside us. Feeling comfortable within us is the result of the causeless love energy. When we don’t feel attached to one home, we feel at home in the entire world. We are totally relaxed anywhere in the world.

Words From The Master: Love and liberate, don’t possess

Feb 24, 2010  at 2:10 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 16:
Love and liberate, don’t possess

You may be attached to your beloved or god or master or friend or whoever. To move from that attachment, to move from the form to the formless, this is the technique. You can take a quantum jump into love with this. With this jump you will see that love happens not as an attachment to a particular object but as an overflowing energy that doesn’t look for any attachment in the outer world. It is just your own overflowing that you share, that’s all. It happens irrespective of whether the object is there or not.

When love happens as causeless overflowing, you simply liberate yourself and the other person from your own attachment and possessiveness, because possessiveness as you know it, binds not only the other person but you as well. It tortures the other person as well as you! Real love simply liberates both of you. It gives freedom to you and the other person.

Words From The Master: Love and liberate, don’t possess

Feb 23, 2010  at 2:08 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 16:
Love and liberate, don’t possess

The big problem is that you never sit in a relaxed way. Either you are driven by greed, meaning you are in a hurry to say or do something, or you don’t know what you are doing and so you are caught with fear. You just try to finish your job and escape! Either you are in greed or you are in fear. But for now, just relax. Be neither in fear nor in greed.

Just sit in the present. Just feel the other person’s presence. Accept the other person as he or she is, as that being is, and feel what happens inside you. Try this for a few days. Suddenly you will see that you will experience a different space that you have never before experienced in your life.

This is a technique from the Shiva Sutras*, a collection of techniques for enlightenment delivered by Shiva*. This technique will take you through a quantum jump from the form to the formless, from possessive love to causeless love.

Shiva Sutras – A collection of teachings of enlightened master Shiva in epigram form as techniques. Includes Vignana Bhairava Tantra, Guru Gita, Tiru Mandiram etc.

Shiva – enlightened Master from India who delivered the universal Truths in the form of scriptures like Shiva Sutras.

Words From The Master: Love and liberate, don’t possess

Feb 22, 2010  at 2:07 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 16:
Love and liberate, don’t possess

The next time you are with someone, when you are with your friend with whom you are completely open, remember to practice this technique.

Just sit next to him or her. Don’t bother about what you are going to do or what you are going to say. Just sit, that’s all! That is the technique. Actually, speaking is nothing but avoiding the other person. Because you cannot look into the other person’s eyes, you go on speaking. That is the truth. The other person listens so that he can start speaking whenever you take a break! If a person is listening to you, it means that he is either thinking of something else or he is preparing for his turn. He sits there so that he can start once you finish.

Now if you try this technique, it can take you to a different space altogether. When you are with the master or your friend or your beloved, whoever you feel deeply connected with, whoever you are very open with, you can try this technique. It will straightaway lead you to enlightenment. Be very clear, I am not teaching this technique for you to have better relationships or for you to develop your personality. No! I am giving it to you to straightaway experience the pure love that can lead you to enlightenment.

Words From The Master: Love and liberate, don’t possess

Feb 21, 2010  at 2:05 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 16:
Love and liberate, don’t possess

A small story:
An art collector traveled to a village. He saw a cat drinking milk from an old antique saucer outside a small tea shop. The art collector recognized the value of the saucer and wished to buy it.

He approached the shop owner and asked him, ‘Sir, can I buy this cat for two dollars?’ The shop owner refused saying he didn’t want to sell the cat.

The art collector said, ‘I want a cat because my house is haunted by mice. Please sell the cat to me. I am ready to pay ten dollars.

The shop owner said, ‘Fine, sold! Have it!’

Now the art collector said, ‘I will take the cat but can you give me the saucer also? Then I don’t have to buy a new saucer. The cat will be happy since she is already trained for this saucer. Why don’t you give me the saucer too?’

The shop owner said, ‘No! That’s my lucky saucer. Only because of that I have sold sixty eight cats in the last one week!’
The art collector wanted to get the saucer but got only the cat. We too miss what has to be really experienced in life because we go after the object and not the subject.

Understanding Laughter and Dance as Meditation

Feb 20, 2010  at 2:38 AM

Laughter is the highest spiritual quality. It can lead you to enlightenment!

Laughing is a great healing energy. If you laugh at your sickness, you will become healthy. Laughter is a beautiful way of connecting with the energy of Existence, which is pure healing energy. Sincerity and laughter always go together. Seriousness can never co-exist with laughter. Either you are serious or you are laughing.

People who are missing the present are completely missing the laughter in their lives. There is no need to shoulder the past and future. Just be in the present; that is enough. Laugh.

Read more... (InnerAwakening.org)

Words From The Master: Love and liberate, don’t possess

  at 2:03 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 16:
Love and liberate, don’t possess

When you start possessing someone, you bind yourself also. If you are walking holding your dog’s leash, be very clear that you are also bound. Don’t think only the dog is bound. You are also bound. Don’t think that only the dog cannot run away, you too cannot run away! You may be thinking that you are holding the rope and the dog may be thinking that he is holding the rope. Who knows?

We always place our attention in the wrong space and miss the truth. When we place our attention on an object, we miss the inner experience of love that happens. We misunderstand that the excitement and the joy of love happens because of the object. We don’t understand that the excitement or the joy of love happens not because of the object but because of us. It is an energy that happens in us. If it was because of the object, then whenever the object came in contact with us, we would have the same excitement, am I right? But it does not happen that way. Even if the object continues to be there, the temperature of the excitement comes down after some time, which means that the excitement or the energy is not related to the object. It is related to the subject, which is us. It is related to the experience itself, not to the object.

Words From The Master: Love and liberate, don’t possess

Feb 19, 2010  at 2:02 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 16:
Love and liberate, don’t possess

As long as our love happens towards a particular object, even if the object is a person, we will try to reduce that person only to the level of an object. That is exactly what we do when we feel possessive or attached to another person. In the way that we try to possess furniture or a house or any object, we try to possess the person also. We want the person to be just how we want him or her to be, which means we are actually reducing the person to sheer matter.

So understand, whenever our love or our attention is towards something in particular, we will be only materialistic, we will be creating suffering for ourselves and for others. We will only suffocate the object or person. Instead, if we turn our attention towards the experience of love itself, we will be liberating the object and we too will be liberated from the object. That is the beauty of love that happens just as love and not for the sake of any object.

Words From The Master: The unity of Love

Feb 18, 2010  at 2:59 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 15:
The unity of Love

There is another beautiful poem by Jalaluddin Rumi*, the Sufi*mystic. He writes,
One went to the door of the Beloved and knocked.
A voice asked, ‘Who is there?’
He answered, ‘It is I.’
The voice said, ‘There is no room for Me and Thee.’
The door was shut.
After a year of solitude and deprivation he returned and knocked.
A voice from within asked, ‘Who is there?’
The man said, ‘It is Thee.’
The door was opened for him.
In real love, there is no duality. There is just oneness with everyone and everything. That is the ultimate stage of love.

Jalaluddin Rumi – 13th century Persian Sufi poet.

Sufi – Mystical dimension of Islam.

Words From The Master: The unity of Love

Feb 17, 2010  at 2:56 AM

Excerpt From:Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 15:The unity of Love

In Krishna’s* life, the whole happening of Ras Leela* is one of causeless love, the Divine love that permeates the entire universe. Ras Leela* is misinterpreted by many people as Krishna* having a physical relationship with the cowherd women. Understand, Krishna* is a superconscious being and Ras Leela* happened when Krishna was around eight years old! It is in no way related to any physical relationship. It was a pure and causeless spiritual happening.

Radha*, Krishna’s beloved, was attached to Krishna, but she never really experienced pure joy. She had constant mood swings with possessiveness and jealousy. During Ras Leela, Krishna, as a superconscious being, gave her the experience of seeing him simultaneously with every single cowherd girl present there. He wanted to show her that he is in every physical form, not just in his own form. Such is the manifestation of divine loving beings!

Krishna – Enlightened master from India who delivered the Truths of the Bhagavad Gita.

Ras Leela – The spiritual interaction of enlightened master Krishna with the gopis or cowherd women devotees.

Radha – Chief among the gopis or cowherd women devotees of enlightened master Krishna.

Words From The Master: The unity of Love

Feb 16, 2010  at 2:51 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 15:
The unity of Love

There is a beautiful example given in the Upanishads*:
A master asked his disciple, ‘Do you enjoy all your five senses?’
The disciple said, ‘Yes.’

The master asked, ‘What if one of your senses was missing, would you have the same amount of joy?’
The disciple replied, ‘No, it would be twenty percent less, and if two of my senses were missing, it would be forty percent less.’

The master suddenly said, ‘What if you had five more senses?’
The disciple answered, ‘Naturally my enjoyment would be a hundred percent extra. If I am given one more body, naturally I will enjoy everything twice as much. Or if I am given five bodies, naturally I will enjoy things five times as much.’
If you are able to experience yourself as being alive in all the bodies of this world, imagine how much joy or ecstasy you would experience! It would be immeasurable, eternal and ultimate. That is what enlightened people experience all the time. They experience themselves as the whole universe. They experience tremendous ecstasy. That is why they don’t need anything from the outer world. They are enough unto themselves. They are established in the highest form of love energy.

Upanishads – Scriptures that form the essence of the ancient texts of the Vedas. Literally means ‘sitting with the master’. There are eleven main Upanishads that have been commented on by enlightened master Adi Shankara.

Words From The Master: The unity of Love

Feb 15, 2010  at 2:50 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 15:
The unity of Love

Children feel that they are adults only when they say ‘no’ to their parents. It is a basic instinct. When they say ‘no’ they feel that they are established as an individual. That is why, all over the world, youngsters always rebel. Whether it is in the West or in the East, in all the countries all over the world, in all the cultures, the youth say ‘no’. When they say ‘no’, they feel they are strong.

But our love is dependent only on ‘yes’. As long as we receive ‘yes’, our love also is ‘yes’. When we get a ‘no’, we also start saying ‘no’. This is called horizontal love. It starts and ends horizontally. It starts again and ends again. It always ends with some reason or other. There is another love called vertical love. It never ends because it never starts. It is always there in the form of energy. It is consciousness. Vertical love is when we suddenly realize that we are living inside everybody just as we live inside our own body!

Words From The Master: Love, hatred and attention-need

Feb 14, 2010  at 2:49 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 14:
Love, hatred and attention-need

A small story:
There were three grownups having their morning tea together. Their children were playing on the floor. They were discussing what they would do if danger threatened, and all of them declared that the first thing they would do was pick up their children and escape.

Suddenly, the safety valve of the pressure cooker burst, creating a steam explosion in the room. Within seconds, everyone was out of the kitchen – except for the children playing on the floor!

Our love is not as great as we claim it to be! Even we don’t know the real depth of our love, that’s the problem. We say and do a lot of things in the name of love. But reality can be shockingly different from all that. If we integrate the love emotion in us, it can become a highly sincere and authentic expression of our original nature.

Words From The Master: Love, hatred and attention-need

Feb 13, 2010  at 2:46 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 14:
Love, hatred and attention-need

In the first session of our meditation camp, I ask people to make an honest list of at least one or two persons in their lives who they really love. Usually in the beginning, people come up with a big list: husband, wife, father, mother, brother, sister and so on. They include people whom they would like to please or need to please in order to be happy themselves. As they hear me talk about real love, they start crossing out names from their list one by one! Understand, if you cross out something, then it was not truly there in the first place.

Many people include certain people in their love list because these people give them a ‘feel good’ feeling. What do I mean by a ‘feel good’ feeling? It is a certificate saying, ‘You are good. You are this, you are that’ etc. We love anyone who pays us compliments, is it not? We think twice before arguing with them. We secretly nurture our good name with them in the name of love. If they go back on their approval of us, we might fall into depression, so we continue to please them and love them. Like this, there is always some hidden reason for our love.

Some people tell me, ‘No Swamiji, I don’t love my son or daughter for any of these reasons.’ I ask them, ‘Alright, if your son suddenly starts to make his own decisions, if he suddenly doesn’t fit into your framework, if he doesn’t follow your guidance, if he doesn’t live according to your rules, will your love for him be the same?’

They tell me, ‘No, it will not. My love will be reduced a little!’

What does this mean? We love our next generation as long as they are extensions of our life. As long as they fall into our pattern of thinking, as long as they live in accordance with our conventions, we love them. We simply fulfill our own desires through them. We fulfill our lives through them. Whatever we couldn’t accomplish in our youth, we try to accomplish through them. We use them as an extension of our own lives. If we wanted to be doctors and couldn’t for some reason, we inspire them to be doctors. As long as they act and live as an extension of our life, the relationship is beautiful. But the moment they start deciding on their own, the moment they feel we are suffocating them, the moment they stand up and say ‘no’, the relationship takes a different turn.

Mindful Eating

  at 2:24 AM

What you eat will determine how you move and how you get up the next day.

Ayurveda - the science of life

That is why in yoga, we have a sister science of yoga which is called Ayurveda. Ayurveda comes from Ayus Vedaha the science of life.

Ayurveda and yoga always go together. Ayurveda is a huge science. Ayurveda talks about living - how to live with this body beautifully. Yoga comes in and says, ‘With this body I will take you deeper and make you experience enlightened consciousness, make you find out who you truly are.’ They are always called sister sciences. In Ayurveda, a lot of weightage is given to the kind of food you eat and the kind of person you are.

Please understand: the kind of food you eat will decide how you will get up the next day.

Read more... (InnerAwakening.org)

Words From The Master: Love, hatred and attention-need

Feb 12, 2010  at 2:44 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 14:
Love, hatred and attention-need

We all go through several stages of relationships in our lifetime. If you observe very closely, whichever stage we are in, when we ask for love we are actually asking only for the other person’s attention. When we say a person doesn’t love us, we actually mean that the other person doesn’t give us enough attention. The basic need for any human being is attention from others. The attention-need, along with our dependency on others for survival, is what we experience as love.

The dependency on others might be psychological, physical or spiritual. For example, when you expect someone to lend you a shoulder to cry on, you are dependent upon him or her psychologically. When you expect someone to provide you with money or fulfill your bodily pleasures, you are dependent upon him or her physically. In whatever way people may fulfill this dependency, what it boils down to is the attention that they give us! The whole idea of love is nothing but getting the attention of the other in some way.

The Inner Awakening in Maha Shivaratri

Feb 11, 2010  at 9:01 PM

'Shiva' means 'Causeless Auspicious Energy'. ‘Ratri’ not only means night, but also refers to intensity. Maha Shivaratri is the night when the intense auspicious energy of Shiva is available for all of us as a powerful clairvoyance.

Maha Shivaratri 2010 will be all about the ‘Inner Awakening’ – awakening your inner space and the kundalini shakti – the tremendous potential energy inside you. It is about awakening your own higher consciousness – Shiva consciousness.

Maha Shivaratri 2010 - A night long celebration with Paramahamsa Nithyananda; experience the powerful Shiva Kundalini dhyaan (meditation) at Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Bidadi, Bengaluru starting 12th February 6 pm onwards.

Why do we need this inner awakening?
Most of the time we don’t know why we talk the way we talk, why we behave the way we behave, why we like something or hate something. This is dangerous not only for us but also for the people who live around us. So we need to bring the light of awareness into our inner space. Mahashivaratri 2010 is a direct opportunity to realize this awareness and intensity in our life.

Inner awakening can happen not just on Maha Shivaratri; to learn more visit http://innerawakening.org

Words From The Master

  at 2:42 AM

Excerpt From:Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 14:Love, hatred and attention-need

Hatred and love are opposite sides of the same coin as long as love is conditional. Love can flip into hatred the moment we feel that our expectations are threatened.

In love of this type, it remains love only as long as the conditions remain as expected. The moment the conditions change, the love also changes.

Often what we believe as love is actually related to time and space. So long as the distance between the lovers is large and the time of contact is minimal, they feel love towards each other. However, once they get closer and spend more time together, they feel that they are not so much in love after all! That is why they say ‘familiarity breeds contempt’. Familiarity can also convert love into hatred. To transcend both love and hatred, we first need to drop expectations. Expectation is the first enemy of love.

Words From The Master

Feb 10, 2010  at 2:37 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 13:
Enter into causeless Love

I always tell people, ‘Do some work for half hour everyday that does not bring you money or name and fame. Just for half an hour, go to some temple or church, clean and sweep the floor, offer some service. Don’t plan to become a committee member in that place! Don’t think that it will fetch you good credit and a place in heaven… no. Don’t look any further than that work for half an hour.’

Initially you may think, ‘This half hour is a waste of time!’ After a few days you will realize that only in that half hour are you really alive! Only for that half hour you are not driven by fear or greed. You smile at the people around you without any calculation. You feel strangely sincere in a way that you never felt before.

If you observe yourself at other times, you will see that you even smile only after some mental calculation. Even before laughing you will see who is the person next to you. Based on that, you decide how many inches to open your mouth, how polite you should be, how you should project yourself. To overcome these conditionings, just for half an hour try this technique that does not bring you money, that does not bring you name and fame, that does not give you any social position, that does not give you anything in return. Then you will understand what I mean by the words ‘causeless relationship’. You will see that soon only that half hour becomes the real life for you!

As of now, every action of yours is driven by fear and greed. You are fuelled by fear and greed. That’s why you feel lonely and tired.

If you try this technique, you will suddenly see that your body and mind start functioning without the need for fear and greed! Once you learn this simple knack of how to move your body without fear and greed, be very clear, you can enter into love. You learn how to tap into the energy of love. You learn how to run your life on the beautiful energy of love. Only then will you know what is meant by the word ‘love’.

A new center will be awakened in you. A new energy will start radiating in you. Then you will understand how loving and causeless relationships are possible.

Words From The Master

Feb 9, 2010  at 2:35 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 13:
Enter into causeless Love

I am reminded of a small story:
There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone except her boyfriend. The girl told her boyfriend that if she could only see the world, she would marry him.

A few days later, her doctor told her that someone donated a pair of eyes to her. She underwent the surgery and she opened her eyes to see everything, including her boyfriend.

Her boyfriend asked her, ‘Now that you can see, will you marry me?’ The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind. She said, ‘I am sorry but I can’t marry you because you are blind.’

Her boyfriend walked away sadly. He told her just one thing, ‘Just take care of my eyes, dear.’
That is why it is said that you have to create your being. You have to awaken the center of love in you. You should have at least one relationship in your life from which you do not expect anything beyond just the relationship. You should develop one relationship in which you do not receive any utility from that relationship, be it monetary or physical comfort or name and fame. Have at least one relationship…it could even be with a tree or the moon or the sun. The criterion is that you should not have any benefit from the relationship. Only then you will understand the word ‘love’. Only then the love center in you will be awakened.

Words From The Master

Feb 8, 2010  at 2:34 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 13:
Enter into causeless Love

The first thing we need to understand is that relationships can happen causelessly, without any reason. Only then will we understand that the experience of love is much more important than the object of love.

You must have at least one relationship in your life that exists for no reason. If you don’t have such a relationship, be very clear, even if you have money, deep down you are still poor.

From today onwards start relating with someone for no reason. There should be no monetary or physical benefit from the relationship. If you experience causeless love once, after that, if the money is shared, if the body is shared, it is okay. The quality is totally different. I am not against money or against marriage. I am not against the physical relationship, but if it becomes the center of your life, you are missing something very important. That is what I want to convey here. You miss a major dimension or energy center of your being.

Words From The Master

Feb 7, 2010  at 2:32 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 13:
Enter into causeless Love

People tell me they feel such exuding love towards me. I always tell them, use that flowing love as a gateway to jump towards the whole of humanity. The love towards the master is like food. If you digest it, you become energetic and you radiate the same energy in your life.

Buddha* says, ‘I live in the commune.’ He means, ‘Don’t direct your attention towards me. Direct your attention towards the whole world.’ If the object of love is removed, then the whole world becomes the object. Then you will never enter into suffering.

Buddha – Enlightened master and founder of the religion of Buddhism.

Life Bliss Meditation (Nithya Dhyaan)

Feb 6, 2010  at 11:16 AM

The Life Bliss Meditation (LBM) technique is a simple, natural procedure to connect to your vast inner reservoir of creativity, energy, intelligence and bliss on a daily basis.

During the practice of the Life Bliss Meditation technique, mind and body settle down to experience a unique state of restful alertness. As peace is infused into the mind, the body is energized and yet restful. This helps mind and body to transcend all barriers to experience the state of Eternal Bliss.

The breath and the mind are very closely related. Just like the breath changes according to the mind, the mind also changes according to the breath. Emotions may not be in your hands, but your breathing is. So you can directly change your state of mind by changing the breath. Even our breathing follows the same pattern we have built over so many years. This pattern directly reflects our mental makeup.

Humming reduces your inner chatter. Continuously there is talking going on within your mind. Normally people find it very difficult to sit without thoughts. The mind will revolt; it does not want to sit silently. In fact people often complain that in an attempt to be thoughtless, they encounter more thoughts! This is the time when many people drop meditation. They get discouraged and they think that meditation is not possible at all for them. But let me tell you that this is the experience of all the seekers initially. You have to make the effort. If you feel discouraged by the initial resistance, then you can never succeed.

The seven energy centers are associated with particular emotions in our being. These emotions are a result of the engraved memories or samskaras which we have accumulated in the past. These samskaras block the particular energy center causing physical and mental disturbances. The samskaras are present in our being because of the absence of awareness. So when we flood awareness into these energy centers, the energy centers start getting unblocked from negative emotions and we start radiating positive emotions like love and compassion.

The problem is when we connect our thoughts and experiences because in reality all experiences are independent experiences. The moment you have connected experiences, for example if you associate multiple experiences of pain, you start thinking 'my life is pain,' you have created hell for you; you have created suffering. Now you will understand why suffering is also imaginary. It is based on something imaginary. It is based on something unreal. It's just an appearance. So the suffering that is created is also unreal. Once you realize this, you are liberated.

In this last step, just sit silently in a blissful mood and listen to the mantras being chanted. You can offer gratitude to a great teacher, a guru, whoever you believe as God or even just existence. Just feel connected to Existence and feel the vibrations of the powerful mantras within your being. The mantras are a way to express gratitude to Existence, the Master, for endowing upon us this great wisdom, which liberates us from ignorance and helps us attain the state of eternal bliss, Nithyananda.

Free download of guided life bliss meditation audio: CLICK HERE.

Swamiji's video on workings of the mind, followed by Q&A: CLICK HERE.

Words From The Master

  at 2:30 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 12:
Three types of Love and their integration

In India, people consider the place where three rivers meet to be sacred. It is a metaphor because man is a meeting place of three forces: physical, psychological and spiritual. When these three forces really meet, there is great joy and bliss.

Ordinarily we live in compartments. Our body lives in one compartment, our mind lives in another and our soul lives in a third compartment. The body is unaware of the mind. The mind is unaware of the body. The soul is not known to the mind. The body is oblivious of the soul. They are together but they don’t know each other.

The first step of meditation is to bring them closer together, to introduce them to each other and link them in a deep friendship so that a merger becomes possible. When all three dimensions merge into one point, the fourth dimension is born. Out of the meeting of the three, the fourth is born. That fourth is god or Existence or Divinity or whatever you wish to call it.

The whole work of spirituality is to create an alchemy in which the body melts into the mind, the mind melts into the soul, the soul melts into the mind, and the mind melts into the body. By and by, slowly, very slowly, they become one integrated phenomenon. Love is the outcome of it.

Words From The Master

Feb 5, 2010  at 2:29 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 12:
Three types of Love and their integration

Many people confuse lust with love. This is one of the greatest tragedies. The person who thinks lust is love remains confined to the physical plane. He never rises higher than that. He has no idea that there is a higher plane. He remains in the basement of his house. Sex is the basement. It is not the place to live in. You can use it for other purposes, but it can’t be your home. Your home is above it.

Man has three planes of being, which are animal, human and divine. First is the plane of lust, which is the animal plane. It is a crude form of love. It is not that love is not present there. Love is mixed or polluted by gross greed and desire, that’s all.

As our being becomes more refined, we enter the second plane, ordinary human love. Human love has traces of possessiveness and jealousy. Since human love is grounded in greater understanding than animal love, one does not simply use the other person for his or her own gain. Human love is capable of seeing the other as an end unto itself.

The third type of love is divine love. It is love in its highest form, almost like a prayer. There is no possessiveness. There is nothing earthly in it. It becomes an invisible but powerful force. This is when love becomes prayer and we feel restful contentment for the first time. I say restful because the other two types of love always keep reaching for more or keep missing something. There is no restfulness in them. When the third type of love happens, even sex becomes a deep and divine act beyond mere physical pleasure.

Words From The Master

Feb 4, 2010  at 2:27 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 11:
Love is the root of all religion

Love is the secret of all religions. In spite of this, people are lost in logic and theology. Theology is as far away from religion as anything can be. There can be no logic about god, there can be only love. God is in poetry. He is in music and in dance, but never in logic.

God is not an idea that can be arrived at through logical processes. He is an interior experience, so deeply interior that one must go there absolutely alone to discover it.

From time immemorial, the conclusion of many mystics has been that matter is glued together with love. An invisible force keeps atoms and molecules together. They do not fall apart because of this invisible force. Science has yet to discover this ultimate energy. It has detected a few of its manifestations such as gravitation and electricity but these are only gross manifestations. The day that science discovers love will be the day when religion and science will commune with each other in the same language.

For now, just rejoice because love is possible. Be joyful that love is your inner potential. You can rise to the ultimate heights with love. Nothing is impossible with love because love can transform itself into god.

Words From The Master

Feb 3, 2010  at 2:24 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 11:
Love is the root of all religion

A small story:
One day a master asked his disciples how they could tell when the night had ended and the day had begun.

One of them said, ‘When you can look in the distance and tell whether the animal is a cow or a horse.’ The master said, ‘No.’

Another disciple said, ‘When you can look at a tree in the distance and tell if it is a pine tree or a mango tree.’ The master again said ‘No.’

They asked the master, ‘Then what is it master?’
The master replied, ‘When you can look into the face of any man and recognize your brother in him. When you can look into the face of any woman and recognize your sister in her. If you cannot do this, then no matter what time of the day it is, it is still only night time.’
The master can give a few hints, little hints here and there. Then we must find our own way carefully, cautiously. Love is just a hint, but if we follow love slowly, very slowly, we will be surprised that god becomes more and more of a reality. He is no longer just a thought, no longer simply an idea, but something that we can feel. The deeper we go into love, the closer we come to the feeling. The day we dissolve into love we merge with unity.

Words From The Master

Feb 2, 2010  at 2:23 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 11:
Love is the root of all religion

Tree roots contain the information about all the trees in this world, just like a dewdrop contains information about all the oceans in the world. If we understand the structure of a dewdrop, we will understand everything about all the oceans on the earth. We will understand the compound called water itself. Water anywhere cannot be anything other than its chemical composition. That composition is ingrained in the smallest particle, and that is the dew drop.

In the same way, man is an atom of love. And love is nothing but the quality of Existence. If love is known, the whole of Existence can be experienced. Understand that the composition of man is not physical, chemical or even psychological, it is spiritual. Nobody can teach us what it is. We must experience it on our own. All other knowledge is transferable: physical, chemical, scientific and psychological. All such knowledge is easily transferable. Only spiritual knowledge is not. It cannot be taught as such, but it can be experienced!

Words From The Master

Feb 1, 2010  at 2:22 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 11:
Love is the root of all religion

Love is the original religion. It is the root of all spirituality. All other religions are offshoots. Love is like the root of the tree and all religions are like leaves or branches. Even the greatest religions are only big branches compared to the religion of love!

Love has no temple or scripture. It is like the roots that lie beneath the ground but provide the nourishment for life. Without it, the whole tree dies. Through love many branches and leaves are created. But what do we do? We cling to the branches and leaves instead of clinging to the root. When we cling to the root, we get the direct nourishment. When we cling to the branches, we enjoy only one dimension of the nourishment. When you become more loving, you will enter the invisible temple of love.

Seek at Leisure